Saturday, May 30, 2020


      Hello everyone! In this blog, i am going to talk about the app Thinglink. It is an interactional image-creation tool. It works for anyone who prefers to present ideas on a visual basis. This platform can especially be useful for children who like to work on interactive and creative images, videos and 360° media. Children will enjoy creating material on this platform because of the fact that it contains images instead of boring mere texts. Thinglink allow users to add a text or another image on the material they work on. It also allows to add these stuff under a variety of icons. One of the best advantages of the app is providing an easy usage.

Teachers can form classes and invite their students to work together. While working on a subject, teachers can give interactive and meaningful assignments through which they can use Thinglink to create their materials. Thinglink also offers images which are already created by someone else to inspire the others with their work.
Here is the material that i created by using Thinglink: thinglink material that i created after viewing my material, you can click on the icon '+' which i provided on each image to give brief information about them.

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